Sunday, May 6, 2012

Well, hello, World! I'm starting a blog because I just got into a new hobby (sewing), and I need a way to keep track of what I've been doing. Today, for example, I made a shopping bag from scratch and I thought I should write the pattern down for reference later on since I forgot a couple of things during construction. It really is a pain to make things extemporaneously. i.e. without using a pattern, but it's one of my many bad habits. I'll be making another shopping bag later, and I will try to take pictures for the tutorial that I'm hoping to make out of it.

I'll be starting a kid's messenger bag next. I need to document it because it's a dry run for the messenger bag I'll be making for myself. I am still having a difficult time deciding on what pockets to use in front of the bag, but it's starting to come together slowly in my head.

Oh, one other reason I decided to do a blog on sewing: I knew nothing about sewing a month ago, but thanks to the many hobbyists who took their time to share their patterns and experiences, I've managed to learn quite a bit in this new hobby. In return, I want to share some of my own experiences with those who are just starting out, too.

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